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How to find happiness in life?

For a person like me who does not keep things in their proper place, I find my things in the least expected places. However, I find solace that my habit is a common one amongst the general populace. People all around the globe look for happiness, something very fundamental to their existence, in the wrong places all the time!


Don’t agree with me? Take your mind back to the last time you were bursting with happiness. The reason could be anything - a wonderful person entering your life or a peak time in your career. Whatever be the reason, you felt the happiness within you! It came to you from inside.


So, if happiness is something you find inside, what obstructs our inner source of happiness?


The answer to that is our own selves! Our own minds obstruct our happiness. Following tendencies of our mind decreases our happiness:


Our minds take the world too seriously

Take for instance if someone blames or criticizes you and someone else compliments you. Our mind will be hooked to that one person’s criticism and will tend to forget the compliments. Our habit of sticking to the negative diminishes our happiness.


We identify ourselves as victims or culprits

Identifying yourself as a victim of circumstances, suffering and loss, not only makes you sad, it makes you weak. On the other hand an attitude of everything is my doing makes you happier and stronger! Similarly feeling guilty for a mistake you did has a similar effect of downsizing your happiness. Instead of feeling guilty, forgive yourself and learn from your mistake.


We don’t accept ourselves

However you are, the first step in making peace with yourself is acceptance. The old habit of comparing yourself with others leads to death of joy!

While changing the above three habits can de-obstruct your inner source of happiness, a few activities can help you get closer to yourself and in turn make you happier!


Spend time with nature

Studies show spending time with nature has been proven an extremely effective treatment therapy for depression patients. If nature has such a wonderful effect on depression patients, think what it can do for people not suffering from depression! Eastern wisdom concurs that spending time with nature opens one’s heart and thereby makes them happier!


Do some form of service

It is said doing service is good for the soul. It is a rule of the universe: making someone happy automatically makes you happy! So go and do some form of service: be it helping your mother with household chores or doing something for the kids in an orphanage. The result of these acts can only be experienced!



Meditation gives an insight of your true self! It brings you closer to the fountain of happiness that you are! Even studies show that meditation raises contentment and the feel-good factor in practitioners.


Happiness stays closer to us than what most of us think. It is right within us! However, to be in touch with your inner source of happiness, you need to tweak some harmful habits and get yourself to do some simple yet soul stirring activities!

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